The Death of a Child
Losing a child — no matter their age — is something you never get over. It is usually misunderstood by those who haven’t experienced it and is often very a very isolating experience.
These articles are specific to the personal experience of losing a child.
Living in the Shadow of a Child’s Death
For bereaved parents, that belief that we could ever deserve a life with happiness, joy, meaning, and purpose once more is one of the hardest to come by in the shadow of our child’s death.
The Wound Time Won’t Heal
We’ve all heard it. “Time heals all wounds.” Sounds incredibly hopeful for someone who’s drowning in grief. Except when time doesn’t heal your wound. What then?
The Ache of Losing a Child
We have a bond with our children that can never be broken. Not even by death. But for those of us whose children died, they took a part of us we can never get back. And it hurts like hell. We are all left with the same deep ache that will never go away.
To the Boy Who Has My Daughter’s Heart
A piece of my daughter’s heart was transplanted into a baby boy. While I’m certain that this boy and his family are thankful every day for this gift of a second chance at life, on this Thanksgiving day I want to tell him a little bit about the girl who literally gave a piece of her heart to him…
Gifts From My Daughter on Her Birthday
Today is my daughter’s birthday. If she were still alive, Margareta would have been 10-years-old. Since I can no longer buy presents for my daughter on her birthday, I’d like to share with you a few of the gifts she has given me…
Do They Even Remember Your Name?
While you were alive, your name was spoken more times than I could ever possibly count. These days, It seems the only way I can still hear your beautiful name is if I say it. It makes me wonder whether people still think of you. It makes me fear that you are already forgotten…
A Letter to My Living Children for Mother’s Day
A mother’s open letter to her living children about the bittersweet nature of Mother’s Day after the death of their sister…
Us vs. Them
Humans seem to love groups. Most of the time, we have the opportunity to choose what groups to belong to. We can also usually decide to leave those groups when they no longer fit us. Sometimes though, belonging to a group that separates “us vs. them” is not chosen, but forced upon us due to circumstance…
When Life Doesn’t Go to Plan
Many of us like to be in control…at least in control of our own lives and our hopes and dreams. However, sometimes our lives simply don’t go according to plan. Some roadblocks are so devastating; we simply cannot see a way forward. Most often, this happens when you lose someone that you’ve built your life – or your identity – around.
Grieving a Future I’ll Never Have
When grief is new, it is excruciating and overwhelming. Thankfully, I have healed a lot in the past five years. Now, instead of the intense, searing pain of early grief, I experience the constant reminder of a future I’ll never have…