A Brother’s Last Memory of His Sister
The last memory I ever had of my sister, Margareta, was from the day she died. I had just gotten home from school, and I asked the usual “What’s there to eat?” All my mom would give me were some left over nachos from Taco Bell, so I took them and headed to my room. Just as I sat down, Margareta came in and started picking some from the box. There was plenty, so I just let her continue. We sat there, and I eventually got out my homework, and she kept on asking what I was doing and how I did it. Eventually she got bored and left the room. Later that day, it turned out to be the worst day of my life, and most likely will be for a long time.
I just wish she didn’t die so young so I could have more memories of her, but this memory will be stuck in my mind for as long as I live.
Submitted by Andrew Creekbaum in memory of his sister, Margareta Kubitz.