If you’ve lost someone who meant more than life itself to you
You’re not alone
If you can’t believe they’re gone
or think they’ll walk through the door at any moment
or they’ll be on the other end of the phone when it rings
or you can’t bring yourself to delete them from your phone contacts
You’re not alone
If you can’t fathom how you’re going to go on living
yet you inexplicably wake up every morning
and somehow go back to work because you have to
and can’t understand how the world can just go on like it was before they died
You’re not alone
If you’re angry at your god or the world
and can’t stand hearing people laugh
and don’t think you’ll ever be able to be happy again
and bite your cheeks to keep from smiling at something funny
because you think if you are anything other than miserable it is a betrayal of your loved one
You’re not alone
If you sob uncontrollably
and make those around you uncomfortable
or can’t cry at all and wish you could
or cry over things that aren’t sad and have nothing to do with your grief
You’re not alone
If you feel like you’re going crazy
and think things like how cold and wet they must be at the cemetery when it rains
and can’t seem to remember simple things anymore
and hear their voice when you know they’re not there
You’re not alone
If you feel so exhausted you can barely stand
and every muscle in your body is sore
and your heart literally aches
and feel nauseated
and either can’t sleep or can’t stay awake
You’re not alone
If you feel isolated and alone
and completely misunderstood
and feel like you no longer relate to your family and friends
and even lose some relationships you thought would last forever
You’re not alone
If you feel like you’re losing all hope
and feel like life is not worth living anymore
and have thoughts about ending your own life
Please reach out for help
because you’re not alone
While your loss is unique to you
others have experienced similar losses
and similar thoughts and reactions
and made it through those impossible early days of grief
and learned how to be happy once more
and learned how to live a meaningful life
and are here to support you on this journey
Because you’re never alone
and people care about you
Weeping as I read this. Thank you, Maria, so very much.
Yes, Maria. Brilliant! ♥
Beautiful. Thank you, Maria. In the hardest times after my husband’s death, I remembered that others had been through this or worse than this, so I could make it through another day or minute, too. And I did.
Maria – As always, you’ve captured my thoughts. Thank you. I want to share this thought that I found somewhere “It isn’t the moment you are struck with grief that you need courage, instead it is for the long uphill climb back to sanity and faith and security”. And as we all know that is one long, long uphill climb that, for myself, means trying to put one foot in front of the other every single day. Love to all. Laverna